Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Season is Over

Dear Blog,

The season is over. Sad. :( Now I don't know when I will ever see Laurie again because I'm going to Florida next semester!

But during rehearsal on for the Motor City Bowl, a few funny things happened as usual.
One example, I called Laurie a tool. But in reality, I was just trying to say she was useful and helpful.

Anyway, it's New Years Eve! However, it looks like this blog is dead.

Too bad Laurie never knew the password, it's a great password. :)


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Motor City Bowl

Well, Blog,

I knew we were going to a bowl game, but no one said the Motor City Bowl. Do you know what I would like to call that? Bull shit!!! I mean, I understand we're awesome, but we need to spread our awesomeness somewhere else. Arn't they sick of us yet? Really?

At least Laurie will be there. That will make everything better. :)


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Dear Blog:
I must admit, I miss marching band a little bit. I don't know what I am going to do next semester. Who will pretend to act gangsta for me? Who will I hear complaining all of the time instead of Laurie? I don't know what I will do. And then Steph is going to Disney World. I'm jealous. She better fricken keep in touch, dammit. I keep wondering what marching band does for finals? Or do we just not have finals? AHH!!! Oh well. I hope we go to a bowl game now. It would be kind of cool. Would we have to pay for it? I feel like I don't know anything!
Well, since I am in class, I should probably begin paying attention.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been a while.

Dear blog,

It's been a week since you've been updated. I'm sorry, you must feel ignored now.

Anyway, I'm talking to Laurie online right now. She's "working" right now. But really, she's only done 4 minutes of work in the past hour. lol.

She has a message for all you all:
Fire up chips!

Anyway, we're having lunch today!! Yay!!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Dead Blog,

I feel ignored. I IMed Laurie and she didn't respond. Then she responded while I was away and won't respond again. Is this a sign?! Could Laurie possibly not like me?!


She did cancel lunch on me, too, though.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Blog:

Today Nick was a drug dealer. Although not an illegal one, he did offer us Ibuprofen, and Laurie eagerly accepted. So, in effect, Laurie succumbed to the drug dealings. However, I accepted the Ibuprofen also, since my arms and wrists were being thoroughly abused by the cumbersome metal plates that we call 'instruments'.
Furthermore, it was FRICKEN COLD today. My toes were all like, "Umm, let's not wear these shoes anymore? kthx." It was a WONDERFUL experience.

But now I'm beginning to pull a Laurie by complaining so much, so I'm going to go on Facebook.


p.s. No marching band tomorrow, sad face.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

So....Last night at Band-O-Rama, Laurie gave this great look that I can't even describe to someone at the drum line table as we were getting ready to show each other card tricks and it just made me giggle inside! It was great!
